Enercan Services
Enercan Meter Services
ENERCAN provides a full service installation, operation and servicing of distribution networks and individual metering including Electricity, Municipal Water and Natural Gas where applicable. Historically, Municipal Electrical Utilities or Local Distribution Companies (LDCs) have provided this service, and as a result of deregulation, some of these services have been discontinued by a number of LDCs servicing private networks.
Detailed Services include:
Consulting, design, supply, install, commissioning, financing, laboratory testing, calibration, dispute resolution services for all residential, commercial, industrial and municipal customers.
ENERCAN sub contracts the installation of sub meters to licensed electricians who have been trained and certified by equipment manufacturers.
Interval Metering - Smart Metering
A Smart Meter is a state-of-the-art Interval Meter that includes AMR (automatic meter reading) capable of allowing the customer to keep track of their electricity consumption and when they use it, so they can take control of their savings by using Time-of-use (TOU) and peak rates. All information is available via secure web site as required by the SMI standard.